Here you can find the accommodation we suggest. These hotels are close to the meeting place and we garantee transportation from and to these hotels.
Please consider that the daily transfers to and from the meeting venue will be offered only to participants accommodated in the below mentioned hotels.
Please make sure you book your room as soon as possible indicating that you are attending the IOBC-WPRS Working Group meeting in INIAV, Oeiras. There are rooms reserved for the participants so please check your acommodation as soon as possible.
Last days available to book the reserved rooms for the Hotel Praia Mar Carcavelos. This unit has reserved rooms just until next friday, August the 3rd. If you havent booked your acommodation yet, please take this information into consideration.
Hotel Holiday Inn Express Lisbon Oeiras:
Av. D. Félix Niza Ribeiro, Porto Salvo - Oeiras 2740-314 Lisbon, Portugal
Standard single room - 68,00€
Standard twin room - 68,00€
Prices displayed above are for each room, each night. Breakfast buffet is included. All taxes and fees also included.
Please check hotel policies and regulations by clicking in the picture on the left.
Hotel Praia Mar Carcavelos:
Rua do Gurué, 16 - 2775-581 Carcavelos, Lisbon, Portugal
Standard single room - 66,00€
Standard twin room - 77,00€
Prices displayed above are for each room, each night. Breakfast buffet is included. All taxes and fees also included.
Please check hotel policies and regulations by clicking in the picture on the left.
INATEL Oeiras:
Alto da Barra, Estrada Marginal - 2780-267 Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal
Standard twin room - 50,00€
Prices displayed above are for each room, each night. Breakfast buffet is included. All taxes and fees also included.
Please check hotel policies and regulations by clicking in the picture on the left.
Hotel 3K Barcelona:
Rua Laura Alves, nº 10, 1050-138 Lisbon, Portugal
Standard single room - 130,00€
Standard twin room - 135,00€
Prices displayed above are for each room, each night. Breakfast buffet is included. All taxes and fees also included.
Please check hotel policies and regulations by clicking in the picture on the left.
NOTE: There are several rooms available for the IOBC participants in this Hotel. To insure these reservations, booking must be made before July 10th though the email: stating you are here for the IOBC Meeting Group.
There are no available transfers from 3K Barcelona to the meeting place in Oeiras. If you decide to book this hotel, you´ll have to take the available transportation to INIAV. Please check the Practical Information menu page in this website for more information about Lisbon transportation and how to get to Oeiras.